Pediatric Inpatient Behavior Scale (PIBS)

The PIBS is an observer-report behavior questionnaire for children and adolescents during hospitalization on pediatric or psychiatric units. The PIBS-47 is a the original and more comprehensive version of the PIBS, and the PIBS-25 is the short-form of the PIBS. For more detailed information about the PIBS, please see the links below, starting with the “PIBS Scale Permissions and Use” document. PIBS manuals and forms are password protected and require permission of the scale author for use. The PIBS is a psychological test intended for use only by qualified professionals. Before using the PIBS, you must agree to the “PIBS Scale Permissions and Use” document and obtain permission from the scale authors, William Kronenberger, Ph.D., and Bryan Carter, Ph.D., at You will then be provided with a free password to open the files.

PIBS Permissions and Use Document:

Required Instructions and General Use of the PIBS

PIBS-25 Manual:

Manual for use, scoring, and interpretation of the revised 25-item short-form version of the PIBS

PIBS-25 Form:

The 25-item revised form of the PIBS, recommended for most uses

PIBS-47 Manual:

Manual for use, scoring, and interpretation of the original 47-item version of the PIBS

PIBS-47 Form:

The 47-item original form of the PIBS, recommended for more comprehensive assessments, especially for children with more severe psychiatric symptoms

Original PIBS Scale Development Article:

The original PIBS-47 scale development article that explains the rationale and background of the PIBS

References for the PIBS:

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