Learning, Executive, and Attention Functioning Scale (LEAF)

The LEAF is a 55 item parent-, teacher-, or self-report questionnaire that assesses executive functions, related neurocognitive functions, and academic skills in children and adults. For more detailed information about the LEAF, please see the links below, starting with the “LEAF Scale Permissions and Use” document. A description of LEAF content and subscales is contained in the document “LEAF Scale Scoring and Interpretation.” You can access LEAF documents below by clicking on the headings. The LEAF is a psychological test intended for use only by qualified professionals. Before using the LEAF, you must agree to the “LEAF Scale Permissions and Use” document (please be sure to send the exact wording in the document to the email address) and obtain permission from the scale author, William Kronenberger, Ph.D., at wkronenb@iupui.edu. You will then be provided with a free password to open the files.

LEAF Permissions and Use Document

Required Instructions and General Use of the LEAF

LEAF Scale Scoring and Interpretation

Scoring and Interpretation of the LEAF

LEAF Parent- or Teacher-Report Scale – Administration Version

The parent- or teacher-report version of the LEAF, for children and young adults aged 6-30 years (see Castellanos et al., 2018; Kronenberger et al., 2014, 2018)

LEAF Self-Report Scale – Administration Version (Standard)

The original self-report version of the LEAF for adolescents and adults; content consists of the parent-report instructions and items reworded slightly for self-report (see Marschark et al., 2015)

LEAF Self-Report Scale – Administration Version (Language-Revised)

The language-revised self-report version of the LEAF for adolescents and adults, with content modified to improve readability and meaning for self-report (see Marschark et al., 2017).

LEAF Preschool Scale – Administration Version

The parent- or teacher-report version of the LEAF, for children aged 3-6 years (prior to first grade) (see Kronenberger et al., 2014).

References for the LEAF:

Castellanos, I., Kronenberger, W. G., & Pisoni, D. B. (2018). Questionnaire-based assessment of executive functioning: Psychometrics. Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 7(2), 93-109. Psychometric/scale development article for parent-report and teacher-report LEAF.

Kronenberger, W.G., Beer, J., Castellanos, I., Pisoni, D.B., & Miyamoto, R.T. (2014). Neurocognitive risk in children with cochlear implants. JAMA Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, 140, 608-615. Parent-report LEAF scores in children and adolescents with cochlear implants compared to a nonreferred control sample.

Kronenberger, W.G., Castellanos, I., & Pisoni, D.B. (2018). Questionnaire-based assessment of executive functioning: Case studies. Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 7(1), 82-92. Demonstrates application of the LEAF in the clinical setting.

Marschark, M., Kronenberger, W. G., Rosica, M., Borgna, G., Convertino, C., Durkin, A., . . . Schmitz, K. L. (2017). Social maturity and executive function among deaf learners. Journal Of Deaf Studies And Deaf Education, 22(1), 22-34. Self-report LEAF (language-revised and standard adolescent/young adult self-report version) in deaf high-school and college students as well as hearing college students.

Marschark, M., Spencer, L.J., Durkin, A., Borgna, G., Convertino, C., Machmer, E., Kronenberger, W.G., Trani, A. (2015). Understanding language, hearing status, and visual-spatial skills. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 20, 310-330. Self-report LEAF (standard adolescent/young adult self-report version) in deaf college student samples.

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